Understanding Ledgers

SQLWorks includes four main ledgers for customer transactions: Sales Ledger, Purchase Ledger, Sundry Cash Ledger and Petty Cash Ledger

For accounting, these transaction ledgers are collated into two analysis ledgers, your live Nominal Ledger and your Bank Ledger as described below.


Transaction Ledgers (Sales/Purchase/Sundry Cash/Petty Cash)

Your Sales and Purchase Ledgers control account centric transactions for selling and buying to a particular customer/supplier, typically involving an ordering process and a separated invoicing and payment process (i.e. debt and credit).

Sundry Cash Ledger is for payments to and from those whom you have no ‘account’ with, and therefore is best suited to financial transactions that have no delay in payment (for example, a simple cash sale). Because of this, your Sundry Cash Ledger should be used for direct sales & expenditure, or for moving funds into and out of your Petty Cash Ledger.

Each record in any transaction ledger will appear automatically in your nominal audit. SQLWorks follows standard double entry bookkeeping rules, in that each financial transaction has two associated nominal postings. When running a nominal audit SQLWorks uses your nominal profile in preferences and the list below to automatically generate the audit records from the records in the transaction ledgers:

Financial Transaction Type Side 1 Posts to: Side 2 Posts to:
SL Invoice Invoice Line Nominal Code Creditor Account
SL Credit Note Credit Line Nominal Code Creditor Account
SL VAT Creditors VAT Control Code Creditor Account
SL Receipt Bank Account Nominal Code Creditor Account
SL Currency Variation Variance Control Code Creditor Account
SL Settlement Settlement Control Code Creditor Account
PL Invoice Invoice Line Nominal Code Debtor Account
PL Credit Note Credit Line Nominal Code Debtor Account
PL VAT Debtors VAT Control Code Debtor Account
PL Payment Bank Account Nominal Code Debtor Account
PL Currency Variation Variance Control Code Debtor Account
PL Settlement Settlement Control Code Debtor Account
Cash Book Cash Record Nominal Code Bank Account Nominal Code
Cash Book Income VAT Creditors VAT Control Code Bank Account Nominal Code
Cash Book Expense VAT Debtors VAT Control Code Bank Account Nominal Code
Petty Cash Petty Record Nominal Code Petty Account Nominal Code
Petty Cash Income VAT Creditors VAT Control Code Petty Account Nominal Code
Cash Book Expense VAT Debtors VAT Control Code Petty Account Nominal Code


Bank Ledger

Your Bank Ledger records the actual record of payments and receipts. A payment can be exist in any of your three main transaction Ledgers (Sales/Purchase/Sundry Cash). Here you can group and organise payments into deposits to exactly match your Bank statement during the bank reconciliation process.

Your Bank Ledger can include multiple bank accounts, against which to record different types of payments. Each account must have a different nominal code that is used when automatically posting the payment records from SL, PL & SCL in the nominal ledger. Note that you cannot enter a payment/receipt record in SL, PL or SCL without selecting the bank account first.

Nominal Ledger

Whilst your Bank Ledger records the actual movement of funds, your Nominal Ledger also considers debit and credit transactions from the invoices in your Sales/Purchase Ledgers. The Nominal Ledger gives you a constantly updated window into the profit and loss for each part of your business. By using the ‘audit by year’ you take a snapshot of your business from which you can view P&L, Balance sheet, Trial Balance and drill down into actual live data.

Your Nominal Ledger audit pulls live data from the all of the financial transactions in your Sales and Purchase Ledgers, and from all of the records in Sundry Cash Ledger and Petty Cash Ledger. The value is posted to the nominal code stored on the record and the other side of the nominal posting is decided automatically as explained above, VAT is also posted automatically to the VAT control account.

The nominal ledger also loads nominal journals, non-financial records that serve only to move figures between nominal accounts. Certain processes in SQLWorks create journals automatically, such as end of year appropriation and changes that affect stock valuation.

The Nominal Ledger can have up to three tiers: Nominal codes, Analysis codes (i.e. Sub Nominal codes), and Department codes, each of which can be crosschecked against another to breakdown spending or revenue in different segments of your business for more targeted analysis. The nominal audit creates a record of the value against each individual combination and then pools together the data as per your reporting requirements.

Your Nominal Ledger provides an understanding of your accounts, which includes amounts owed and owing as well as gained or lost, for financial analysis.


Understanding Ledgers


Did you know? Changing Your SQLWorks email password

If your company email password has changed, SQLWorks won’t be able to integrate with your email – here’s how to fix that.

You can update your SQLWorks integrated email password via ‘Preferences’ in the main Nav Bar (1). Clicking ‘User Prefs’ will open your company’s SQLWorks users, giving you access to some of your own accounts settings by clicking your own name on the user list.

This opens the Employee Info window shown above. In the bottom right panel your email settings are saved (2) – here you can update your User ID and Password, along with other integrated email settings such as your email signature.

Higher security user settings can only be changed by a designated system administrator, or the SQLWorks team by formal request.


Contact us for more information: 01272 375999

Fact Sheet: Projects

Project management is a powerful function of SQLWorks CRM, which allows users to collaborate on bigger projects and coordinate work from different areas of your business.

With careful planning, you can use SQLWorks’ Projects tool to more easily collate your team’s efforts towards an overarching goal onto a single dashboard, saving time and money.

‘Projects’ can be accessed under the SQLWorks CRM dropdown in the main navbar (1) and displays your live projects within the list panel (2). Key information and editing buttons for the selected project is displayed at the top of the main window (3).

SQLWorks Projects acts as a collection point for entries from across SQLWorks (including financial elements, tasks, documents and much more) relating to a chosen project, in one place under the correct tab (4). You can create new linked items (of any type) direct from projects by right clicking the correct window from within the project screen, which will also added in the relevant section elsewhere in SQLWorks. For example, a new phone log created inside “projects” will also display in SQLWorks phone logs.

This becomes most powerful in reverse however – when creating new entries elsewhere in SQLWorks, users can tag this as part of a specific project. This is the case for almost any SQLWorks item (including individual lines from quotes, orders or invoices for project costings) which can all be linked to an open Project.

SQLWorks can have multiple project types for managing different sorts of projects at once, each with their own data capture or layout – for example, financial projects may require access to financial entries from SQLWorks Accounts. The SQLWorks team can add new project types for your business on request.

For staged projects, a SQLWorks project can be segmented into saved ‘Stages’ which prompt automatic action when reached, for example emailing a contact or completing a task.

Security groups prevent unauthorised users from accessing restricted projects, or sections within a certain project (for example: confidential data) and this can also be configured on request by the SQLWorks team.

SQLWorks Projects can help you easily gather information and organise stages of a more complex set of related jobs, or pool the work of a larger team in a coordinated way.


For more information on SQLWorks CRM tools, contact our team today: http://www.sqlworks.co.uk/contact-us/


Fact Sheet: Purchase Ledger

SQLWorks Purchase Ledger is your main accounting ledger for your ordered items and purchase transactions with other companies.

Purchase Ledger can be found under the ‘Accounts’ heading in the main NavBar (1) and helps manage each stage of the buying process. Any chosen company from your Companies List can be given a purchase Ledger account, and appears in the list panel (2).

In the main window the top panel displays purchasing information relating to that company, including contact details, outstanding invoices and default settings for your purchases from that company, such as a credit limits and nominal codes.

The first ‘All Outstanding’ tab in the lower panel shows a useful summary of your unreconciled payments, customer quotes, outstanding purchase orders and halted items. From left to right tabs headed ‘Orders’, ‘Transactions’ and ‘Unreconciled Items’ (3) allow you to enter each stage of purchasing by clicking on it – keeping a close track on orders placed and received, and money owed.

Unlike your Sales Ledger, items must follow a dual progression to account for both order and invoicing – by logging ‘receive orders’, SQLWorks can support staged deliveries, or other orders that are delivered and invoiced separately by your suppliers.

Users with SQLWorks advanced stock module can track incoming stock items as ‘In Transit’ whilst awaiting delivery, while all users can take account of part orders, expected time of arrival (ETA), and even batch multiple orders as a single ‘delivery.’ ‘Pending Stock’ under your ownership can be allocated, but other SQLWorks functions are restricted to prevent the mis-selling of items not yet physically available for onward dispatch.

Once you have been invoiced, SQLWorks Purchase Ledger allows your business to reconcile multiple orders against a single invoice, flexibly matching your suppliers’ invoicing format. Saved default settings allow SQLWorks to remember other payment conditions for each supplier, such as price rounding and VAT rules, and (with CRM document storage) archive files such as digital copies of supplier invoices.

Payments can be grouped together or processed via BACS, an authorisation system allows larger organisations to set customised purchasing limits for staff, and force users to clear orders past an administrator before being placed. Spending limits can be set by order, outstanding amount, over a chosen time period, or a combination of these for maximum security.

Every reconciled invoice is linked directly by a nominal code to your nominal code category, so SQLWorks always gives an accurate, real-time reflection of your current purchasing finances in your Nominal Ledger.


Lineal launches new SQLWorks website

Lineal Software Solutions have launched of our new sqlworks website for our SQLWorks Business Management Software (www.sqlworks.co.uk).

Managing Director of Lineal, Mike Matthews, explained: “This is a big year for SQLWorks, as we’re due to release Version 8 in conjunction with the release of Omnis 8, and we wanted to overhaul our SQLWorks website too.”

“We always aim for our software to work how you work: we’ll now be offering 3 different delivery models to suit different businesses’ needs, with SQLWorks available in on-premise, hosted and cloud versions.”

SQLWorks, Lineal’s leading software for Accounting, CRM & Stock Control was first developed for manufacturing in 1983, and has evolved substantially over 33 years.

Keeping up with the times, the new website has been designed to be fully responsive, for use on mobile and tablet devices. More and more people will use SQLWorks on the move in the future, from a variety of devices, so the SQLWorks website should mirror this.

Existing SQLWorks users will also receive additional support, accessing learning materials via the SQLWorks News page. Extra features, including a live SQLWorks demo and our SQLWorks help guide, will be available soon – watch this space!


Discover SQLWorks today: visit www.sqlworks.co.uk or call 01271 375999

Fact Sheet: Sales Ledger

fact sheet sales ledger

SQLWorks Sales Ledger is your main accounting ledger for your quotes, orders, refunds and sales transactions with other companies.

Sales Ledger can be opened under the ‘Accounts’ heading in the main NavBar (1) and includes a full suite of accounting tools. Any company from your Companies List can be given a Sales Ledger account – appearing in the Sales Ledger List (2) for further use.

From here you can prepare quotes, log orders and more, before sending out any invoices and receiving payments from a given company. As you complete sales, your sales move from left to right – starting as disbursements, leads or quotes, becoming orders, and then transactions. The Sales Ledger information for a company is displayed in the Main Window, with ‘Quotes’, ‘Orders’, ‘Transactions’ and more available by clicking the Tabs on the lower right panel (3).

SQLWorks allows you to keep a close track of money owed, customer debts and credit: you can set a Credit Limit for each business along with precise payment terms, deadlines, known company directors, and instruct SQLWorks to email or print invoices as needed. Any custom settings for a given company also allows you to customise SQLWorks reports to reflect this.

Track aged debt with payment terms, turnover, profit, balance history, debt days, stock items bought and other enquiries, all from the account activity section of any given company in your Sales Ledger. If you need to transfer data, electronic data interchange (EDI), allows a user to export orders, or import invoices from other digital sources.

The SQLWorks team can also configure your Sales Ledger to more closely match your sales – adding automatic adjustments for discovered stock, setting up cash account sales or more uncommon types of invoices if needed.

Every financial entry (invoice, receipt or credit note) is linked directly by a nominal code category to your nominal code category, so SQLWorks always gives an accurate, real-time reflection of your current sales finances in your Nominal Ledger.


Contact us today about accounting with SQLWorks: 01271 375999 or www.sqlworks.co.uk/contact-us

Did you Know? Global Search

Sometimes you just need to be able to search all of SQLWorks at once – so SQLWorks’ Global Search function has been built to allow users to easily search anywhere (or everywhere) for that elusive file, record or entry.

Pressing the keyboard shortcut ‘Ctrl G’ (or ‘Cmd G’ on Apple devices) opens the Global Search window (1), from which users can select sections of SQLWorks they want to search through using the checkboxes in the top left (2) (e.g.: ’CRM’, ‘Stock’ etc, or simply ‘All’).

Type the intended search term in the text field, and specify the terms of the search: ‘Begins With’ the search term or ‘Contains’ the search term, using the radio buttons, and click the magnifying glass or press return to begin the global search (3).

Global Search will list any and all results in the List Menu below, including where those entries were located. As always, right clicking a list option and click ‘Get Info’ to see more information about that entry.

Double clicking a list item opens that entry from the relevant part of SQLWorks, wherever it has been found.


For more information, contact our team today: 01271 375999

SQLWorks Windows 10 and Mac OS X compliant

cross platform

SQLWorks version 6 has been confirmed as both Microsoft Windows 10 and Apple Mac OS X El Capitan compliant.

First developed in 1988, Lineal’s cross platform flagship business management software for Accounting, CRM, Stock Control (and more) has been updated many times over the last three decades to add a wealth of new features and stay at the cutting edge of business requirements.

In order to be declared compliant for both Microsoft and Apple’s rival operating systems, the software must match the functionality of both, and has undergone three months of live testing at Lineal on both systems.

“Here at Lineal we’re delighted that SQLWorks has been declared to be Windows 10 and OS X El Capitan compliant.” Software Development Manager, Will Adkin explained: “SQLWorks undergoes constant development to match our clients’ needs, and we will be expanding to new platforms in the near future.”

“We’re currently developing the free upgrade to the next version for all customers, which will now be 64-bit compliant for stronger performance, and introduce new features.”


Explore SQLWorks today: call 01271 375999 or send us a message for a free demonstration.

Fact Sheet: Calendar

SQLWorks Calendar is an essential part of the SQLWorks CRM module, with a collaborative diary so that your whole team can plan ahead, audit trail your every interaction with other companies, and track progress from other areas of SQLWorks.

Calendar can be found in the NavBar under the SQLWorks CRM module, and opens a configurable calendar display in the main window (2). From here you can book a range of appointments into the calendar, share with other users or among groups, and set reminders.

The preview in the top right hand corner (3) allows users to easily cycle through past, present or future months (which display in the main window), or refocus the calendar on today’s date by clicking the central down arrow.

Below the preview are checkbox lists (4) entitled ‘Show Users’, ‘Show Groups’ and ‘Show Layers’. Checking or unchecking items on these checklists filters the calendar in the main window; showing or hiding appointments for specific users, groups of users (for example: ‘accounts team’), or types of appointment (for example: holidays) respectively.

SQLWorks Calendar updates once a minute, and users can simply click and drag events between days in the main window. Along the base of the SQLWorks Calendar is your toolkit (5) where you can add or edit calendar appointments in more detail. Double clicking a day in the main diary window adds a new event, and the ‘Owner’ of the event can set the type of event, some notes, the start and end time/date of the event, and add known users to the event who can be notified automatically be email when the owner of the event clicks ‘Save’.

Existing events can also be edited here, with the toolkit allowing you to ‘Search’ the calendar, view ‘Limbo’ events with user changes pending approval, send email notifications, ‘Cancel’ incorrect entries or set ‘Options’ for the appearance of your calendar. Dragging the sliding scale can be used to change the timespan of the calendar in the main window, ‘View’ toggles your calendar into list view to reorder by a specific field, and clicking ‘Sync’ manually updates your SQLWorks Calendar across smartphones or other linked devices.

Clicking the ‘Notify Me’ checkbox allows users to set automated reminders for events – prompting future you (and other users) via SQLWorks popup notifications, private emails, or both, at a chosen time and date(s).

SQLWorks Calendar also remembers past users and archives deleted events, so that your calendar can always recover historic data, errors or edits from any point in time.

Our development team can set any bespoke extensions of SQLWorks your team uses to appear automatically if they have date fields (e.g: Purchase Orders) so that your diary always shows exactly what you need.

SQLWorks Calendar coordinates your workflow – allowing your team to plan and track shared projects, log sales or orders, control billing or more – and integrates your CRM with SQLWorks Accounting and Stock modules to make the best use of your time.

For more information, contact our team today: http://www.sqlworks.co.uk/contact/

Fact Sheet: Stock Ledger

SQLWorks Stock Ledger tools have been designed to give you complete control over your warehouse(s) and the constant movement of goods necessary for your business to profit.

Stock Ledger can be entered from the Navigation Bar on the left of SQLWorks, under ‘Products’ (1), in one of two versions: ‘Simple’ or ‘Complex’. These different levels of functionality fit your needs and complexity of your business, with complex stock including advanced features such as internal movements, stock locations and batch control.

Opening the Stock Ledger displays a list of every stock item known to your business (2) and allows you to search or filter the list to find the stock item you need. Selecting an item from the list loads its information in the main window for viewing or editing, with movements, orders and other stock functions all found in the lower half of the Main Window.

Keeping count your stock can depend on workflow, so separate figures for ‘Actual’ (available for sale), ‘Pending’ (not yet for sale), ‘Allocated’ (reserved for order), ‘Free’ (warehoused) and ‘Available’ Stock are all recorded (3), to ensure maximum accuracy.

At the top half of the Stock Ledger are tabs governing the attributes of the selected stock item (4) – including a summary of activity, purchase and sale pricing, ordering defaults, analysis categories and other notes.

In the lower half of the Stock Ledger are tabs governing activity on the selected stock item (5) – including a summary dashboard, full stock movement history, linked transactions, deliveries, stock status, any manufacturing/bills of material data, works orders, stock history & linked CRM entries.

‘Stock Audit’ allows SQLWorks to take a snapshot of your stock, producing printed figures for stock checking, calculating a variance factor based on counts from your warehouse team, and permits you to correct your SQLWorks’ Stock Ledger based on this data.

Storing your stock in each warehouse, and its stock bins, can be mapped in any way that you choose: SQLWorks understands where stock is being kept, and keeps track of crates, packs and individual units to ensure that exact quantities are never confused. Buy in crates of a thousand, store as individual units and sell in packs of five – safe in the knowledge that SQLWorks understands the difference. From the ‘Info’ Tab on the toolbar a set of ‘Allowed’ permissions even blocks items from being sold in the Sales ledger in error, and a monthly ‘lock down’ feature can be used to ensure historic data remains an accurate record.

Materials or component parts can be logged as such to avoid miss-selling, and product ‘bills of material’ from those parts saved for accounting of finished products. Any product in SQLWorks can become a kit, built from an unlimited number of sub components in a known construction time, costed as you see fit.

Valuation can vary widely across companies: that’s why SQLWorks understands different types of stock prices: including setting a ‘Default Cost’ for basic use, ‘Average Cost’ across units or materials or ‘Batch Cost’ for varying costs between batches, or a ‘Standard Cost’ for your own asset valuation as needed, and recording sale prices in up to 3 sales currencies (set by the user) to allow for international stock movements.

Batch management gives you the ability to record the item price differently between batches, track shifting margins and buy, store or re-sell the same item deploying different quantities and valuations depending on the batch. All pricing data links directly to your SQLWorks Accounting tools, to ensure that each area of your business software operates as one.

Adjustments to your stock are easily made from the ‘Movements’ button on the toolbar: for example stock movements can be entered in bulk for rapid updating of stock figures, or imported/exported from an external file. For those that need it, Stock Ledger includes an optional serial number system – using unique item numbers SQLWorks can be set to prompt, or even block, users against moving stock without evidencing its serial number. Speak to our team about how the Stock Ledger can best be configured for your businesses workflow.

SQLWorks logs not just your current stock, but your stock history – allowing you to trace movements or individual items long after the event, or monitor stock levels and finances over time. This information is then relayed using graphs for ease of use, and ensures that you always have accurate stock data at your fingertips.


For more information, contact our team today: http://www.sqlworks.co.uk/contact/