Did you know? Removing Companies

Removing Companies

Keeping on top of your data means cleaning old entries and removing companies you don’t need every now and then – but what’s the best way to do this?

Your SQLWorks includes an ‘inactive’ status for removing companies, which allows you to effectively tidy your database whilst avoiding deleting data you might need later. – SQLW

We recommend using this feature because outright ‘deletion’ of a company is normally not the best option. Most companies have linked information connected to other parts of SQLWorks: including phone logs, tasks and more, which makes deletion impractical.

To make a company inactive, right click its name in the main Companies List and click the ‘Toggle Active’ button to move a company to inactive status.

Inactive companies can be recovered later if users need to access older data, whilst keeping their main working list up to date for other time-sensitive tasks, e.g.: when generating mailshots, and ensuring your company files always remain accurate.

Did you know? Multiple Windows

Although SQLWorks is designed to avoid the need for multiple windows, sometimes this trick to open additional windows can be very useful.

To open an extra SQLWorks window, simply ‘Shift-click’ by holding shift at the same time as clicking on a chosen SQLWorks menu item.

This works with every Navbar section, tab and subsection of SQLWorks – and is useful for when you need to be able to refer to two (or more) unconnected sections of SQLWorks at once. 

For example, whilst you’re busy working on a customer’s quote, the phone rings with a call from a different customer who wishes to book a meeting. Simply ‘shift-click’ the SQLWorks Calendar to open a separate diary window for you to work with.

Each of the windows behaves independently, and can be used, moved, resized or closed as normal. The only exception to this rule is that multiple copies of the same window will not synchronise any edits you make between copies.

This handy trick guarantees that you can work in different parts of SQLWorks simultaneously however you need.

Need some helpful advice? Contact our SQLWorks team today: 01271 375999

Fact Sheet: Projects

Project management is a powerful function of SQLWorks CRM, which allows users to collaborate on bigger projects and coordinate work from different areas of your business.

With careful planning, you can use SQLWorks’ Projects tool to more easily collate your team’s efforts towards an overarching goal onto a single dashboard, saving time and money.

‘Projects’ can be accessed under the SQLWorks CRM dropdown in the main navbar (1) and displays your live projects within the list panel (2). Key information and editing buttons for the selected project is displayed at the top of the main window (3).

SQLWorks Projects acts as a collection point for entries from across SQLWorks (including financial elements, tasks, documents and much more) relating to a chosen project, in one place under the correct tab (4). You can create new linked items (of any type) direct from projects by right clicking the correct window from within the project screen, which will also added in the relevant section elsewhere in SQLWorks. For example, a new phone log created inside “projects” will also display in SQLWorks phone logs.

This becomes most powerful in reverse however – when creating new entries elsewhere in SQLWorks, users can tag this as part of a specific project. This is the case for almost any SQLWorks item (including individual lines from quotes, orders or invoices for project costings) which can all be linked to an open Project.

SQLWorks can have multiple project types for managing different sorts of projects at once, each with their own data capture or layout – for example, financial projects may require access to financial entries from SQLWorks Accounts. The SQLWorks team can add new project types for your business on request.

For staged projects, a SQLWorks project can be segmented into saved ‘Stages’ which prompt automatic action when reached, for example emailing a contact or completing a task.

Security groups prevent unauthorised users from accessing restricted projects, or sections within a certain project (for example: confidential data) and this can also be configured on request by the SQLWorks team.

SQLWorks Projects can help you easily gather information and organise stages of a more complex set of related jobs, or pool the work of a larger team in a coordinated way.


For more information on SQLWorks CRM tools, contact our team today: http://www.sqlworks.co.uk/contact-us/


Did you Know? Global Search

Sometimes you just need to be able to search all of SQLWorks at once – so SQLWorks’ Global Search function has been built to allow users to easily search anywhere (or everywhere) for that elusive file, record or entry.

Pressing the keyboard shortcut ‘Ctrl G’ (or ‘Cmd G’ on Apple devices) opens the Global Search window (1), from which users can select sections of SQLWorks they want to search through using the checkboxes in the top left (2) (e.g.: ’CRM’, ‘Stock’ etc, or simply ‘All’).

Type the intended search term in the text field, and specify the terms of the search: ‘Begins With’ the search term or ‘Contains’ the search term, using the radio buttons, and click the magnifying glass or press return to begin the global search (3).

Global Search will list any and all results in the List Menu below, including where those entries were located. As always, right clicking a list option and click ‘Get Info’ to see more information about that entry.

Double clicking a list item opens that entry from the relevant part of SQLWorks, wherever it has been found.


For more information, contact our team today: 01271 375999

SQLWorks Windows 10 and Mac OS X compliant

cross platform

SQLWorks version 6 has been confirmed as both Microsoft Windows 10 and Apple Mac OS X El Capitan compliant.

First developed in 1988, Lineal’s cross platform flagship business management software for Accounting, CRM, Stock Control (and more) has been updated many times over the last three decades to add a wealth of new features and stay at the cutting edge of business requirements.

In order to be declared compliant for both Microsoft and Apple’s rival operating systems, the software must match the functionality of both, and has undergone three months of live testing at Lineal on both systems.

“Here at Lineal we’re delighted that SQLWorks has been declared to be Windows 10 and OS X El Capitan compliant.” Software Development Manager, Will Adkin explained: “SQLWorks undergoes constant development to match our clients’ needs, and we will be expanding to new platforms in the near future.”

“We’re currently developing the free upgrade to the next version for all customers, which will now be 64-bit compliant for stronger performance, and introduce new features.”


Explore SQLWorks today: call 01271 375999 or send us a message for a free demonstration.

Fact Sheet: Calendar

SQLWorks Calendar is an essential part of the SQLWorks CRM module, with a collaborative diary so that your whole team can plan ahead, audit trail your every interaction with other companies, and track progress from other areas of SQLWorks.

Calendar can be found in the NavBar under the SQLWorks CRM module, and opens a configurable calendar display in the main window (2). From here you can book a range of appointments into the calendar, share with other users or among groups, and set reminders.

The preview in the top right hand corner (3) allows users to easily cycle through past, present or future months (which display in the main window), or refocus the calendar on today’s date by clicking the central down arrow.

Below the preview are checkbox lists (4) entitled ‘Show Users’, ‘Show Groups’ and ‘Show Layers’. Checking or unchecking items on these checklists filters the calendar in the main window; showing or hiding appointments for specific users, groups of users (for example: ‘accounts team’), or types of appointment (for example: holidays) respectively.

SQLWorks Calendar updates once a minute, and users can simply click and drag events between days in the main window. Along the base of the SQLWorks Calendar is your toolkit (5) where you can add or edit calendar appointments in more detail. Double clicking a day in the main diary window adds a new event, and the ‘Owner’ of the event can set the type of event, some notes, the start and end time/date of the event, and add known users to the event who can be notified automatically be email when the owner of the event clicks ‘Save’.

Existing events can also be edited here, with the toolkit allowing you to ‘Search’ the calendar, view ‘Limbo’ events with user changes pending approval, send email notifications, ‘Cancel’ incorrect entries or set ‘Options’ for the appearance of your calendar. Dragging the sliding scale can be used to change the timespan of the calendar in the main window, ‘View’ toggles your calendar into list view to reorder by a specific field, and clicking ‘Sync’ manually updates your SQLWorks Calendar across smartphones or other linked devices.

Clicking the ‘Notify Me’ checkbox allows users to set automated reminders for events – prompting future you (and other users) via SQLWorks popup notifications, private emails, or both, at a chosen time and date(s).

SQLWorks Calendar also remembers past users and archives deleted events, so that your calendar can always recover historic data, errors or edits from any point in time.

Our development team can set any bespoke extensions of SQLWorks your team uses to appear automatically if they have date fields (e.g: Purchase Orders) so that your diary always shows exactly what you need.

SQLWorks Calendar coordinates your workflow – allowing your team to plan and track shared projects, log sales or orders, control billing or more – and integrates your CRM with SQLWorks Accounting and Stock modules to make the best use of your time.

For more information, contact our team today: http://www.sqlworks.co.uk/contact/

Did You Know? Custom Search

Lineal SQLWorks Custom Search is designed to help you manage even the largest of business databases quickly and efficiently, so being able to find what you need easily is vital.

When a simple search isn’t quite cutting it, trying using SQLWorks’ ‘Custom Search’ tool for a more targeted search. This can be found by clicking the small dropdown arrows beside the ‘Search’ Field on the Search Bar, and selecting ‘Custom Search’ at the bottom of the list. This opens the ‘Custom Search’ window (pictured below.)

Custom Search

From here users can search different attributes of list entries in the left hand field, using a search criteria in the middle column (such as ‘contains’, ‘begins with’ etc.) relating to the text typed in the right hand field.

By pressing the (-) or (+) buttons on the right, users can also add or subtract extra conditions to build a more complex and specific custom search query, helping to find the needed entries.

‘Search for all records matching’ chooses the criteria searching, such as ‘Any’ or ‘All’ of the chosen terms, and by using the ‘Saved Searches’ dropdown menu users can set Custom Search to the ‘Last Search’ or save a custom search for next time.

Press ‘Search’ and SQLWorks will narrow down your list to the chosen custom search terms. Happy hunting!


For more information, contact our team today: 01271 375999