Getting Started with Dispatch Planner

Dispatch Planner

Managing outbound goods often requires an overarching view of business operations ‘as-a-whole’ – looking across all sales accounts, orders and products. We’ve given users the power to do this via SQLWorks Dispatch Planner.

Dispatch Planner gives order managers and warehouse teams a comprehensive dashboard to maximise visibility and control over orders. Dispatch Planner is accessible within the Stock Ledger, and (by default) loads a comprehensive list of all outstanding customer sales Orders with key information about each order.

dispatch planner

Double clicking on an order allows a drill-down to the exact order, meaning shopfloor teams don’t need to access individual customer sales accounts to understand workloads and even check line-level detail.

Simple ‘traffic-light’ statuses indicate whether the required stock quantity is available for each order to be shipped in full. By selecting an order, dispatch managers can also view the same information for each order line of the order – with the same status indication based on free stock availability. Orders will only be considered ready to ship in full once every line on that order is available to ship.

When ready to ship, dispatches can be sent to dispatch and invoiced (and emailed automatically to the customer) in one smooth workflow, removing the outstanding order from the Dispatch Planner list.

dispatch planner

High volume companies may lengthen or shorten the time horizon of the viewed orders, or filter by warehouse. Where goods are not ‘Ready to Ship’, SQLWorks will make the user aware of why an order is delayed – for example, showing Purchasing Delays.

For companies that use Delivery/Dispatch Notes prior to invoice, the Dispatch Planner will also allow the generation of new delivery notes from here, list any valid delivery note numbers for each order for cross-referencing, and require the user to select an existing delivery note before invoicing a previous dispatch.

Dispatch Planner shows the real power of SQLWorks: as the ability to cross-reference stock control and ordering globally across the business allows you to manage operations quickly, efficiently, and with confidence.


You can find more detail about how to use Dispatch Planner here

Introduction to Production Planning

Production Planning

We’ve extended SQLWorks to include more powerful production planning/process routing in Version 10 – allowing Production Managers to masterplan working spaces, types of work, and employee skills to organise manufacturing capacity more effectively.

Workshop Map can be opened via the Products module in the NavBar, and uses three key elements:

  • Work Centres
These are places where work is done – normally a specific location or tooling area on the factory floor, and remember important data such as available working hours, setup/lag costs and more.
  • Processes
This is a type of manufacturing process – such as assembly, welding, mixing, painting etc, and can be restricted to specific work centres or employees.
  • Employees
This is the employee table used in SQLWorks CRM – listing your company’s available staff.

Each Process Route has a series of numbered steps (carried out in a specific order) called a Work Flow. To organise the Work Flow, the production manager simply chooses the Work Centre, Process, and Employee that is assigned at each step – by dragging and dropping them into the Workflow builder.

Workflow steps each carry associated costs and manufacturing times, allowing the system to build a comprehensive picture of the process route a finished product must follow to be completed in full.

production planning

Production managers can save Template Process Routes and assign these to Bills of Material – with the right default process routes being loaded automatically on new Works Orders to save time. Expected completion times are estimated automatically, and progress can be logged as each step of the Workflow is underway

Any Process Routes that are currently in use will be shown in the ‘Active Process Routes’ table, along with the details of the BOMs being produced which follow that process route.

Production Managers can also use this part of SQLWorks to generate reports (either from the perspective of Work Centres, Processes or Employee) to see outstanding and current Works Orders, and to gauge capacity from each.

This helps inform staffing decisions, shift patterns or identify production bottlenecks. Where there is a clash (for example, if a ‘Welding’ process employee has more welding hours due on Works Orders than is available in the calendar), SQLWorks will display ‘CLASH’ in red next to that Bill of Materials.

Overall SQLWorks’ Production Planning gives Production Managers the power to coordinate working spaces/resources, types of work, and personnel for maximum control. Production Routes help structure and streamline the manufacturing process, and organise manufacturing capacity more intelligently.


For expertise and software assistance, please contact our SQLWorks Team today

Using Engineering Documents

SQLWorks Document management has reached the next level, enabling tagging of engineering documents and automated printing alongside Works Orders.

As shown in our Introduction to Document Management, many types of files can be added and stored within SQLWorks, linked to other data, downloaded or referenced whenever required. Our development team have also enabled tagging of specific files as ‘engineering’ documents so they can be automatically transferred through to production.

Saving a .jpeg or .pdf to a stock item’s document tab is a simple drag-and-drop process, supported by tagging with the engineering tag. When a Works order is created for that Bill of Materials, those supporting documents can be pulled through for printing automatically.

engineering documents

This is especially useful for assembly instructions, photographs, blueprints and similar that help guide during the production process.

Setting specific criteria in ‘Accounts preferences’ and ‘Document Analysis’ which can be found on the Navbar, allows a specific ‘tag’ such as one named Engineering, to be selected when saving a document on a stock item. Tagged documents appear in the ‘Documents List’ in the top right of the Works Order automatically, and when printing or previewing your Works Order SQLWorks finds the associated document and asks you to confirm whether you would like to print the engineering documents.

engineering documents


This feature is especially useful if you have drawings, assembly instructions or diagrams for example, that need to accompany the Works order when sent to the shopfloor/workshop for the build process.

If you would like to find out more about how SQLWorks can make the Manufacturing processes more efficient and less time consuming, please get in touch with our SQLWorks team via email [email protected] or call 01271 441570.

Lineal join Omnis for Web Engineering Day

Members of Lineal’s Software Development Team were recently invited to join the Omnis Software Engineering Team for a special 2-day visit focusing on development work regarding web features within SQLWorks.

Software engineers from both companies focused the dedicated day on the implementation and deployment of Lineal’s recent online work including business-to-business (B2B) trade ordering portals and online user survey systems.

The SQLWorks Team at Lineal wanted to thank the staff at Omnis for being excellent hosts and helping to craft an extremely useful and informative visit.

Omnis Software recently celebrated 40 Years in the industry, having been founded in 1979 by Blyth Computers Ltd. Co-founder Paul Wright.

Omnis technology has underpinned Lineal’s SQLWorks Business Management Software (integrating accounting, stock control, CRM and manufacturing) since the early 1980s. Lineal’s Managing Director Mike Matthews is a part of the international Omnis Technical Committee, and Lineal staff regularly help coordinate and take part in EurOmnis, the international Omnis software developer conference.


For Software development advice and expertise today, please contact our team today.

Introduction to Stock Audit and Stock Taking

Stock Audit allows businesses to perform a comprehensive stock take, record variances, verify the results, report on valuation, and automatically adjust stock levels for accuracy.

Stock takes can be initiated, or continued, by clicking on ’Stock Audit’ under ‘Products’ in the Main SQLWorks Navigation Bar (1). To begin a new stock take simply click ‘Create New’ or load an unfinished stocktake via ‘Load Existing’. Each stock take is warehouse specific, and can be given a reference ID.

Users must choose whether the final results will ’Save Quantity’ (adjust the actual quantity to a fixed number established from the stock check) or ’Save Variance’ (adjust the actual quantity according to a variance from the theoretical quantity, incorporating quantity changes which may have taken place during the stock take.)

stock audit type

Clicking ‘Print Sheets’ generates a series of stock take forms, listing the stock items and locations under review, which can be printed and assigned to stock counters for counting. Printed stock take sheets include a notes field for stock counters to record additional information, but do not list the theoretical quantity, so as not to prejudice the accuracy of the stock take.

stock audit sheets

Once stock counters have returned their stock take sheets, stock controllers can enter counted values in the ‘Count’ column next to each item by entering the name of the counter in the ‘Counted By’ dropdown (2) at the top of the window. The ‘Variance’ Column automatically calculates the variance, and a note of the counter’s name is recorded in the ‘Count By’ column (3)

If required, stock controllers can print “check sheets” in order to have questionable variances verified by a second counter, and enter a revised quantity in the same field by using the ‘Checked By’ dropdown at the top of the window (2). The ‘Variance’ Column automatically calculates the variance, and a note of the checker’s name is recorded in the ‘Check By’ column (3). When printing check sheets you may enter a single product code or a csv of codes, each product including its current values for all bin locations are printed on their own page.

To review the records, clicking the ‘Print Variance’ button at the top of the window produces a report on the results of the stock take, grouping the variances on each item across all monitored locations, and calculating a monetary value for the overall positive or negative variance.

By clicking ‘Finish’, the results of either the ’Save Quantity’ or ’Save Variance’ stock take are applied to the SQLWorks Stock Ledger to bring the stock levels back into alignment with the stock take.*


For additional information on stock control, contact our team today.



*If the ‘Free Qty’ tickbox is ticked at the top of the theory column, the theoretical values for the stock audit are shown excluding any allocated quantity. SQLWorks will not accept a variance which adjusts the quantity of an item below the quantity of that item which is already Allocated to Sales Orders, and will instead adjust the Actual quantity as close to the recorded variance as allowed numerically.

stock free

Did you Know? Local Resources & Printers

For those using SQLWorks Hosted, the ability to access SQLWorks anywhere is a major advantage. However, doing this may mean you need access local resources to print a document from SQLWorks, connecting to a new printer on a network that is unfamiliar to SQLWorks.

To do this, you will need to allow your saved Microsoft Remote Desktop connection (where Hosted SQLWorks is accessed) permission to access your printer (one of your local resources ) You can either do this when first setting up your connection to SQLWorks Hosted, or edit your settings to include this option later.

On Windows, this option is available by editing your saved Remote Desktop Connection, and clicking on the ‘Local Resources’ tab. Tick the ‘Printers’ checkbox to allow printing from Hosted SQLWorks to your local printer.

hosted printers rdc windows

On Mac, this option is available by editing your saved Remote Desktop Connection, and clicking on the ‘Local Resources’ tab. Tick the ‘Printers’ checkbox to allow printing from Hosted SQLWorks to your local printer.

hosted printers mac rdc

Did you know? SQLWorks Cloud Link

SQLWorks includes a useful ‘drag and drop’ facility for saving documents against projects, sales leads, accounting records and more.

If your organisation stores files in a cloud storage app, SQLWorks can be integrated directly to view these folders in your ‘Documents’ tab, and files can be dragged and dropped into SQLWorks directly from the cloud.

This option can be set up from the main Navigation bar via Preferences > User Preferences > (User) > and by clicking the Setup Tab. By saving the file-path of your cloud app’s desktop folder into the ‘Remote/ Cloud Folder Path’ field, and clicking ‘Save & Close’, a SQLWorks user’s document tree will automatically default to view the chosen file location.

sqlworks cloud link filepath

As long as your cloud app on your PC/Mac is able to sync to the cloud, SQLWorks will be able to make most up-to-date version of your synced files available for drag and drop.

document management

This can be a useful way to make documents collected during fieldwork (eg: photographs) available to a main office – syncing direct from a smartphone, via your cloud app of choice, to be dragged and dropped against projects in SQLWorks.

Options include Microsoft OneDrive, Google Drive, Apple iCloud and Dropbox, as well as many other cloud file storage applications with a read/write access ‘desktop folder’ style client. (If you’re using a lesser-known cloud storage service with SQLWorks cloud link – we’d like to hear about it!)

This tool can also be used with a valid filepath to a location on a traditional on-premise server, and may be useful for businesses with very complex file structures, to help users automatically find the file location they would normally use for managing documents.

SQLWorks cloud link helps leverage all the flexibility of your favourite cloud app, to gather important files into your CRM, accounting and stock control system.

For additional support and assistance, please contact our SQLWorks team today.

Introduction to Document Management

SQLWorks includes Document management capabilities to allow each user to save documents into the system for extra convenience.

Files from the user’s device can be added from the user’s device, or any file location the user’s Windows/Mac device has access to (with modify/write permissions).

To save a new file into SQLWorks, look for any window which includes a ‘Documents’ or ‘CRM’ tab. Files may be dragged into the files list (a large white space) from the Windows/Mac operating system (eg: off the desktop) or from the small file tree viewer in the bottom right of the SQLWorks window.

document management

The Document Management save window opens to confirm the details of the file – here files can be categorised using any pre-established Document Analysis types and given a description. Clicking ‘Save & Close’ will save the new document into the list, represented by a new thumbnail showing the file-type if known.

Right click on any saved document to open the original file or perform further functions with it.

document management

The new attachment is stored with a database link to the area of SQLWorks it has been saved against – files can be linked to company records, financial order or transactions (eg: sales or purchase orders), sales leads, projects and many other areas of the platform, to be more easily found by other users.

Typical document management uses include:

  • Adding documents, presentations or images to a project file.
  • Saving purchase orders from a customer against a new SQLWorks sales order.
  • Archiving product designs or specifications against stock items.

For CRM expertise and assistance, contact the SQLWorks team today.

Introduction to EC VAT Reporting

SQLWorks allows users to accurately report on EC VAT, as part of their VAT Ledger.

In order to report on EC VAT, every sales and purchase account to be included must first have a country and VAT reporting setting saved against it.

For each customer or supplier, this can be set under the ‘Bank and VAT’ tab in the Sales Ledger/Purchase Ledger.

To set up the customer/supplier for EC VAT reporting, choose the correct European country from the ‘VAT Country’ (SL) or ‘Country Name’ (PL) fields, and select the correct setting under ‘VAT Setup’. ‘INC’ is for accounts which need VAT to be included, ‘Exempt’ for accounts with reportable VAT of zero value, and ‘NRT’ for accounts with non-reportable VAT.

Whether the selected country is part of the EC VAT reporting can be set in the SQLWorks countries list (found under ‘Countries’ in Address Editor.) Double click a country from the list to edit it from ‘UK’ to ‘EU’ or ‘World’ and click save. The EU category may also be used to designate countries not formerly part of the European Union, but part of the European Economic Area (e.g.: Norway.)

System Administrators may wish to force users to include a company VAT number when dealing with EEA customers/suppliers, for tax reporting purposes – this policy can be enforced via Preferences > Accounts Prefs > ‘Finance, Analysis, Dept & Tax’* Tab, by ticking the ‘EEC VAT requires VAT No in:’ option for either Purchase Ledger (PL), Sales Ledger (SL) or both. This will restrict users from saving any new transactions against sales/purchase accounts without a known and saved company VAT number.

Accounting admins may also choose which nominal codes need to include or exclude VAT by choosing a nominal code in the Nominal Ledger, clicking edit, and ticking the ‘Add VAT’ checkbox in the top right, before saving.

SQLWorks will collate EC VAT figures in the VAT Ledger beside UK VAT, in the ‘EC VAT’ columns (1 & 2), and VAT Ledger users can click the ‘EC VAT’ buttons at the top of each EC Vat column to view the transactions included in that section.

The VAT Ledger will also produce EC VAT totals in the ‘Total’s group’ section at the bottom of the window (3). These are then used in the Form 100 totals, allowing SQLWorks accounts users to complete an accurate VAT return.


For additional help or SQLWorks accounting expertise – contact our team today.

*This tab may be labelled ‘VAT & Dates’ in older versions of SQLWorks.

Team SQLWorks at EurOmnis 2017

This year Lineal’s SQLWorks Team traveled to Arnhem, The Netherlands, for the 4-day European Omnis Developers Conference – EurOmnis 2017.

Conference workshops offer the opportunity for developers from more than a dozen countries to exhibit their latest work, seek advice from other programmers and share best practice. A primarily educational event, EurOmnis brings together the brightest and best to further develop software projects and draw on a wider pool of knowledge.

EurOmnis workshop

Members of the Omnis Executive Team also attended to discuss the very latest developments of the platform, explain new features (such as remote debugging technology working live from the developer console) and gather valuable feedback from the wider Omnis developer community.

Managing Director of Lineal Software Solutions, Mike Matthews explained: “Over the many years during which we’ve helped organise EurOmnis, both the software itself and the Omnis Developers Group (ODEV) have gone from strength the strength.”

omnis developers

“This year’s conference studied some exciting breakthroughs in web development, mobile/tablet-friendly user interfaces, internet-of-things (IOT) examples, future API technology, and much, much more.”

“SQLWorks is designed to be a highly flexible business management software, and we greatly value contributions from the extraordinarily diverse range of industry sectors, creative skills and technical knowledge represented each year at EurOmnis.”

In addition to coding, EurOmnis 2017 attendees had the chance to visit and dine at the Kasteel Doorwerth, a medieval chateaux dating from before the 13th Century, and literary home of the Beaulieu restaurant, where Erik Hazelhoff Roelfzema wrote Soldier of Orange.

See you next year!


Lineal are Omnis and business software development specialists – learn more here.

Euromnis venue