Lineal launches new SQLWorks website

Lineal Software Solutions have launched of our new sqlworks website for our SQLWorks Business Management Software (

Managing Director of Lineal, Mike Matthews, explained: “This is a big year for SQLWorks, as we’re due to release Version 8 in conjunction with the release of Omnis 8, and we wanted to overhaul our SQLWorks website too.”

“We always aim for our software to work how you work: we’ll now be offering 3 different delivery models to suit different businesses’ needs, with SQLWorks available in on-premise, hosted and cloud versions.”

SQLWorks, Lineal’s leading software for Accounting, CRM & Stock Control was first developed for manufacturing in 1983, and has evolved substantially over 33 years.

Keeping up with the times, the new website has been designed to be fully responsive, for use on mobile and tablet devices. More and more people will use SQLWorks on the move in the future, from a variety of devices, so the SQLWorks website should mirror this.

Existing SQLWorks users will also receive additional support, accessing learning materials via the SQLWorks News page. Extra features, including a live SQLWorks demo and our SQLWorks help guide, will be available soon – watch this space!


Discover SQLWorks today: visit or call 01271 375999

Did you Know? Global Search

Sometimes you just need to be able to search all of SQLWorks at once – so SQLWorks’ Global Search function has been built to allow users to easily search anywhere (or everywhere) for that elusive file, record or entry.

Pressing the keyboard shortcut ‘Ctrl G’ (or ‘Cmd G’ on Apple devices) opens the Global Search window (1), from which users can select sections of SQLWorks they want to search through using the checkboxes in the top left (2) (e.g.: ’CRM’, ‘Stock’ etc, or simply ‘All’).

Type the intended search term in the text field, and specify the terms of the search: ‘Begins With’ the search term or ‘Contains’ the search term, using the radio buttons, and click the magnifying glass or press return to begin the global search (3).

Global Search will list any and all results in the List Menu below, including where those entries were located. As always, right clicking a list option and click ‘Get Info’ to see more information about that entry.

Double clicking a list item opens that entry from the relevant part of SQLWorks, wherever it has been found.


For more information, contact our team today: 01271 375999

Did You Know? Custom Search

Lineal SQLWorks Custom Search is designed to help you manage even the largest of business databases quickly and efficiently, so being able to find what you need easily is vital.

When a simple search isn’t quite cutting it, trying using SQLWorks’ ‘Custom Search’ tool for a more targeted search. This can be found by clicking the small dropdown arrows beside the ‘Search’ Field on the Search Bar, and selecting ‘Custom Search’ at the bottom of the list. This opens the ‘Custom Search’ window (pictured below.)

Custom Search

From here users can search different attributes of list entries in the left hand field, using a search criteria in the middle column (such as ‘contains’, ‘begins with’ etc.) relating to the text typed in the right hand field.

By pressing the (-) or (+) buttons on the right, users can also add or subtract extra conditions to build a more complex and specific custom search query, helping to find the needed entries.

‘Search for all records matching’ chooses the criteria searching, such as ‘Any’ or ‘All’ of the chosen terms, and by using the ‘Saved Searches’ dropdown menu users can set Custom Search to the ‘Last Search’ or save a custom search for next time.

Press ‘Search’ and SQLWorks will narrow down your list to the chosen custom search terms. Happy hunting!


For more information, contact our team today: 01271 375999

Did you Know? Quick Select

Quick Select

Depending on the size of your business, SQLWorks Companies List can be very large – so what’s the fastest way to find what you need?

SQLWorks ‘Quick Select’ feature has been built to help you find entries you’re likely to need, such as those with recent or outstanding records, or on one of your personal saved Client Lists.

Clicking the small arrows beside the ‘Search’ field in the Search Menu opens the Quick Select Menu. From here users can quickly filter the full Companies List with one of several pre-saved options, for example companies with ‘Recent Phone Logs’, ‘Running Tasks’ or ‘Diary Entries this Week.’ Quick Selects for Stock and Purchase Ledger (SL/PL), and Client Lists or Client Type, are also available to choose.

SQLWorks will narrow your list to those entries matching the chosen quick select, which can significantly help cut the time you spend looking for records. The SQLWorks team can even add additional Quick Select queries if your business needs them.

When you’re done, simply click the blue ‘Undo’ Arrow on the right hand side of the ‘Search Bar’ to return to viewing the full Companies List.


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Navigating SQLWorks

Navigating SQLWorks

SQLWorks has three areas which form a standard ‘look and feel’ across the software and allow users to easily navigate even the most complex business databases.

Down the left hand side of the page is the Navigation Bar (or ‘NavBar’)(1) – this is the main menu of SQLWorks. Users can expand sections by clicking on the small grey arrows beside the items in the NavBar to enter CRM, Accounts, Stock Control, System Admin and more, or to view and enter subsections.

Above the main list, the Search Bar (2) can be used to search for entries in different modules, finding an entry from lists of phone logs, stock, tasks or other lists in different parts of SQLWorks. If you open a full screen list in SQLWorks the Search Bar will be wider, but users can also adjust the width of the entire list column by clicking and dragging the right hand border.

On the right hand side of the screen is the information relating to the selected entry. Using the Tool Bar (3) users can perform functions related to the selected entry, such as editing, adding a new entry, saving, deleting or loading reports (4.) Your data is then displayed below in the Main Window.

All the SQLWorks menus available can all be customised by Lineal to match the needs of your business, and ensure that you can always find what you need when navigating SQLWorks.


For more information, contact our team today: